Our Climate
Our Climate
In a 2012 PBS Frontline documentary called Climate Of Doubt, solid evidence was shown that the fossil fuel industry was interested in knowing more about the effect of emissions on the atmosphere. They hired scientists and began studying the issue. When the reports came in, the industry changed course and began a Public Relations campaign to distort and suppress the issue. That effort evolved into the propaganda campaign which became commonly known as "climate denial."
Facts, however, are stubborn things. Suppressing information and mounting expensive propaganda campaigns does nothing to address changes taking place in the Earth's atmosphere. We now witness, with each passing year, tangible evidence of climate change.
There is no easy solution. No one wants to part with the comforts they've become accustomed to having, and the reality is that even if we all pitch in to reduce carbon emissions, reversing the current trend will take decades.
We can't, however, give up. The first step is agreeing that climate change is real, and that this cycle of it is due to human activity. Failing to give the facts their full weight will leave future generations confronting a much worse problem.
Solutions will require industry and scientists working together, and the participation of all of us. The first step is accepting that the science is real, and the propaganda is not.
See the Frontline documentary here.